Targets miRBase

hsa-miR-5188 (MIMAT0021119) (6 targets) in miRTarBase

miRNA gene name experiments
hsa-miR-5188 JMY
PAR-CLIP [1] [2]
hsa-miR-5188 RWDD2A
HITS-CLIP [1] [3]
PAR-CLIP [4] [5] [1] [2] [6] [7] [8]
hsa-miR-5188 STX11
PAR-CLIP [5] [6]
hsa-miR-5188 MICAL2
PAR-CLIP [5] [6]
hsa-miR-5188 NEURL1B
hsa-miR-5188 KSR2


authors journal year Pubmed link title
1 Kishore et al. Nat. Methods 2011 21572407 A quantitative analysis of CLIP methods for identifying binding sites of RNA-binding proteins.
2 Lipchina et al. Genes Dev. 2011 22012620 Genome-wide identification of microRNA targets in human ES cells reveals a role for miR-302 in modulating BMP response.
3 Kishore et al. Genome Biol. 2013 23706177 Insights into snoRNA biogenesis and processing from PAR-CLIP of snoRNA core proteins and small RNA sequencing.
4 Memczak et al. Nature 2013 23446348 Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency.
5 Hafner et al. Cell 2010 20371350 Transcriptome-wide identification of RNA-binding protein and microRNA target sites by PAR-CLIP.
6 Whisnant et al. MBio 2013 23592263 In-depth analysis of the interaction of HIV-1 with cellular microRNA biogenesis and effector mechanisms.
7 Farazi et al. Genome Biol. 2014 24398324 Identification of distinct miRNA target regulation between breast cancer molecular subtypes using AGO2-PAR-CLIP and patient datasets.
8 Skalsky et al. PLoS Pathog. 2012 22291592 The viral and cellular microRNA targetome in lymphoblastoid cell lines.
9 Karginov et al. Genes Dev. 2013 23824327 Remodeling of Ago2-mRNA interactions upon cellular stress reflects miRNA complementarity and correlates with altered translation rates.