Precursor miRBase

cgr-mir-21 (MI0005725)

Accession MI0005725
Name cgr-mir-21
similar to following miRCarta precursors cgr-1-25100.1
Organism Cricetulus griseus
miRNA cgr-miR-21-5p
miRNA cgr-miR-21-3p
Sequence (5' -> 3')
(92 nts)
MFE -42.60 kcal/mol
first miRBase version 9.2
last miRBase version 21.0
Family mir-21 (MIPF0000060)
experiment Pubmed link
Illumina 21392545
External DBs
Gene symbol Mir21
NCBI Gene 100689258

Predicted Structure


Authors Journal Year Pubmed link Title
1 Gammell et al. J. Biotechnol. 2007 17570552 Initial identification of low temperature and culture stage induction of miRNA expression in suspension CHO-K1 cells.
2 Hackl et al. J. Biotechnol. 2011 21392545 Next-generation sequencing of the Chinese hamster ovary microRNA transcriptome: Identification, annotation and profiling of microRNAs as targets for cellular engineering.