Precursor miRBase

mmu-mir-194-2 (MI0000733)

Accession MI0000733
Name mmu-mir-194-2
similar to following miRCarta precursors mmu-126-471.1
Organism Mus musculus
Genome GRCm38.p5
Location chr19:6,264,643-6,264,728 (+)
miRNA mmu-miR-194-5p
miRNA mmu-miR-194-2-3p
Sequence (5' -> 3')
(86 nts)
MFE -47.30 kcal/mol
first miRBase version 3.0
last miRBase version 21.0
Clusters (10 kb)
(2 precursors)
Family mir-194 (MIPF0000055)
experiment Pubmed link
Illumina 20413612
External DBs
Gene symbol Mir194-2
NCBI Gene 723957

Predicted Structure


Authors Journal Year Pubmed link Title
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2 Lagos-Quintana et al. RNA 2003 12554859 New microRNAs from mouse and human.
3 Landgraf et al. Cell 2007 17604727 A mammalian microRNA expression atlas based on small RNA library sequencing.
4 Chiang et al. Genes Dev. 2010 20413612 Mammalian microRNAs: experimental evaluation of novel and previously annotated genes.
5 Ahn et al. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 2010 20215419 MicroRNA transcriptome in the newborn mouse ovaries determined by massive parallel sequencing.