Precursor miRBase

ggo-mir-21 (MI0002623)

Accession MI0002623
Name ggo-mir-21
similar to following miRCarta precursors ggo-1.1
Organism Gorilla gorilla
Genome GorGor3
Location 5:24,023,578-24,023,649 (-)
miRNA ggo-miR-21
Sequence (5' -> 3')
(72 nts)
MFE -34.60 kcal/mol
first miRBase version 7.0
last miRBase version 21.0
Clusters (10 kb)
(1 precursors)
Family mir-21 (MIPF0000060)
External DBs
Gene symbol MIR21
NCBI Gene 102464124

Predicted Structure


Authors Journal Year Pubmed link Title
1 Berezikov et al. Cell 2005 15652478 Phylogenetic shadowing and computational identification of human microRNA genes.