miRNA miRCarta

m-1716 in Ovis aries

Accession m-1716
Sequence (5' -> 3') (23 nts)  GGGAUGGUAGACCGGUGACGUGC
Sequence (5' -> 3') with flanks GGGGAUGGUAGACCGGUGACGUGCACU
similar to miRNAs from miRBase ggo-miR-1193 (MIMAT0024256)
hsa-miR-1193 (MIMAT0015049)
oar-miR-1193-5p (MIMAT0019269)
ppy-miR-1193 (MIMAT0024369)
Located in precursor oar-1716-27887.1
Chromosome18:64,529,641-64,529,663 (+)
MFE -1.10 kcal/mol
first miRCarta version 1.0
last miRCarta version 1.1
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